NatureWood ACQ Preservative
NatureWood ACQ Preservative (Alkaline Copper Quarternary)
Applications include:
Applications include: Decking, Garden furniture, Picnic tables, Vegetable garden sleepers, Handrails, Childrens play areas etc...
Advantages: Based on a Copper Alkaline treatment and does not contain arsenic. Can be used in more sensitive areas.
Disadvantages: Costs more than CCA. Not yet as readily available as CCA in all timber sizes.
All of our timber decking is treated with ACQ and we supply sleepers and most other timber with ACQ treatment on request.
More information can be found at the links below:
Koppers Performance Chemicals Australia Comprehensive information regarding treated pine.
ACQ Information Brochure - Information regarding use of ACQ treated timber.
CCA Information Brochure - CCA Information Brochure Information regarding use of CCA treated timber.
A3P Media Release - CCA - CCA Media release about APVMA's decision regarding limiting CCA use.