LifeWood CCA Preservative
LifeWood CCA Preservative (Chromated Copper Arsenate)
Applications include:
Verandah posts, retaining wall timber, farm fencing, building timber, domestic fencing, lattice, weatherboards, marine applications.
Advantages: Widely available, cheaper than ACQ, fungicide & insecticide, proven durability.
Disadvantages: Limitations have been imposed on its use by the APVMA, see below.
"Following reviews by the APVMA CCA treated timber has some limitaions to its use within the Australian market. The recommendations by this review were put in place mainly as precautionary measures where intimate contact was likely to be made, such as children putting pieces of timber into their mouth. CCA treated timber cannot be used for garden furniture, picnic tables, exterior seating, children’s play equipment, patio and domestic decking, and hand rails. Alternative treatment such as Naturewood ACQ is approved for use in these applications." 'Source: Osmose Aust. website'

There is a lot of misinformation about CCA treated pine out there.
Understandably, concerns have been raised about the Arsenic used in CCA treatment.
A lot of research has been done regarding its use and has found that if used correctly it poses no risk to health.
More information can be found at the links below:
Koppers Performance Chemicals Australia Comprehensive information regarding treated pine.
ACQ Information Brochure - Information regarding use of ACQ treated timber.
CCA Information Brochure - CCA Information Brochure Information regarding use of CCA treated timber.
A3P Media Release - CCA - CCA Media release about APVMA's decision regarding limiting CCA use.